 * Copyright (c) 2018 @gt_tech
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import com.querydsl.core.types.Path;
import com.querydsl.core.types.dsl.BooleanExpression;
import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;

import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.*;

 * Base implementation of {@link ExpressionProvider} which handles the plumbing
 * of extracting operators with their composition and delegates to specific
 * implementation for final expression formation.
 * <p>
 * <p>
 * Implementation must support a specific implementation of {@link Path} type
 * and may chose to not support every {@link Operator} depending on it's own
 * logic. In which case implementation is required to throw an
 * {@link UnsupportedOperationException}
 * </p>
 * @param <P> type of {@link Path}
 * @author gt_tech
abstract class BaseExpressionProvider<P extends Path> implements ExpressionProvider<P, Object> {


     * Constructor
     * @param supportedSingleValueComparisonOperators Collection of {@link Operator} supported by specific
     *                                                implementation of this base class for single-value
     *                                                comparisons.
    public BaseExpressionProvider(List<Operator> supportedSingleValueComparisonOperators) {
                        "Supported Single value" + " operators must be > 1");
        this.SUPPORTED_SINGLE_VALUED_COMPARISON_OPERATORS = supportedSingleValueComparisonOperators;

    public Optional<BooleanExpression> getExpression(P path, Object value) {
        return Optional.ofNullable(path) // check path
                       .map(p -> value) // check for value
                       .map(v -> {
                           if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(v.getClass())) {
                               return new MultiValueExpressionBuilder(path, (Collection) v).getExpression();
                           } else {
                                * delegate to MultiValueExpressionBuilder instead of SingleValueExpressionBuilder
                                * as MultiValueExpressionBuilder also checks for QuerydslHttpRequestContext if its
                                * needed. SingleValueExpressionBuilder doesn't do it.
                               return new MultiValueExpressionBuilder(path, Arrays.asList(
                                       getStringValue(path, v))).getExpression();


     * START: Methods for concrete implementation in sub-classes depending on if
     * Path sub-type doesn't support same logic and may require a sub-query
     * expression.

     * Returns String value for provided object (value supplied by bindings
     * during bindings invocation phase)
     * @param path  Specific type of {@link Path}
     * @param value Value as received from bindings invoker.
     * @return String value for the provided value object.
    protected abstract <S extends String> S getStringValue(P path, Object value);

     * Creates a expression for equals clause - {@link Operator#EQUAL} operator
     * @param path  Specific type of {@link Path}
     * @param value String value to be used for making expression.
     * @param ignoreCase if comparison must be done ignoring case if case is applicable to target value type.
     * @return {@link BooleanExpression} to be used further by downstream query
     * serialization logic for executing actual query
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if implementation doesn't support this {@link Operator}
    protected abstract BooleanExpression eq(P path, String value, boolean ignoreCase);

     * Creates a expression for not-equals clause - {@link Operator#NOT_EQUAL}
     * operator
     * @param path  Specific type of {@link Path}
     * @param value String value to be used for making expression.
     * @param ignoreCase if comparison must be done ignoring case if case is applicable to target value type.
     * @return {@link BooleanExpression} to be used further by downstream query
     * serialization logic for executing actual query
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if implementation doesn't support this {@link Operator}
    protected abstract BooleanExpression ne(P path, String value, boolean ignoreCase);

     * Creates a expression for contains/like clause - {@link Operator#CONTAINS}
     * operator
     * @param path  Specific type of {@link Path}
     * @param value String value to be used for making expression
     * @param ignoreCase if comparison must be done ignoring case if case is applicable to target value type.             .
     * @return {@link BooleanExpression} to be used further by downstream query
     * serialization logic for executing actual query
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if implementation doesn't support this {@link Operator}
    protected abstract BooleanExpression contains(P path, String value, boolean ignoreCase);

     * Creates a expression for startsWith clause - {@link Operator#STARTS_WITH}
     * operator
     * @param path  Specific type of {@link Path}
     * @param value String value to be used for making expression.
     * @param ignoreCase if comparison must be done ignoring case if case is applicable to target value type.
     * @return {@link BooleanExpression} to be used further by downstream query
     * serialization logic for executing actual query
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if implementation doesn't support this {@link Operator}
    protected abstract BooleanExpression startsWith(P path, String value, boolean ignoreCase);

     * Creates a expression for endsWith clause - {@link Operator#ENDS_WITH}
     * operator
     * @param path  Specific type of {@link Path}
     * @param value String value to be used for making expression.
     * @param ignoreCase if comparison must be done ignoring case if case is applicable to target value type.
     * @return {@link BooleanExpression} to be used further by downstream query
     * serialization logic for executing actual query
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if implementation doesn't support this {@link Operator}
    protected abstract BooleanExpression endsWith(P path, String value, boolean ignoreCase);

     * Creates a expression for matches clause - {@link Operator#MATCHES}
     * operator
     * @param path  Specific type of {@link Path}
     * @param value String value to be used for making expression.
     * @return {@link BooleanExpression} to be used further by downstream query
     * serialization logic for executing actual query
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if implementation doesn't support this {@link Operator}
    protected abstract BooleanExpression matches(P path, String value);

     * Creates a expression for greater-than clause -
     * {@link Operator#GREATER_THAN} operator
     * @param path  Specific type of {@link Path}
     * @param value String value to be used for making expression.
     * @return {@link BooleanExpression} to be used further by downstream query
     * serialization logic for executing actual query
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if implementation doesn't support this {@link Operator}
    protected abstract BooleanExpression gt(P path, String value);

     * Creates a expression for greater-than-equal clause -
     * {@link Operator#GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL} operator
     * @param path  Specific type of {@link Path}
     * @param value String value to be used for making expression.
     * @return {@link BooleanExpression} to be used further by downstream query
     * serialization logic for executing actual query
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if implementation doesn't support this {@link Operator}
    protected abstract BooleanExpression gte(P path, String value);

     * Creates a expression for less-than clause - {@link Operator#LESS_THAN}
     * operator
     * @param path  Specific type of {@link Path}
     * @param value String value to be used for making expression.
     * @return {@link BooleanExpression} to be used further by downstream query
     * serialization logic for executing actual query
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if implementation doesn't support this {@link Operator}
    protected abstract BooleanExpression lt(P path, String value);

     * Creates a expression for less-than or equal clause -
     * {@link Operator#LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL} operator
     * @param path  Specific type of {@link Path}
     * @param value String value to be used for making expression.
     * @return {@link BooleanExpression} to be used further by downstream query
     * serialization logic for executing actual query
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if implementation doesn't support this {@link Operator}
    protected abstract BooleanExpression lte(P path, String value);

     * STOP: Abstract methods for concrete implementation

     * Logical operators implementation
     * Applies a logical NOT (negate) to provided expression.
     * @param expression
     * @return Negated expression that must be used further in
     * expression-building process
    protected final BooleanExpression not(BooleanExpression expression) {
        return expression.not();

     * Applies logical AND clause to provided expressions.
     * @param left  Left operand for AND operation
     * @param right Right operand for AND operation
     * @return expression with AND clause applied to provided two values, this
     * must be used further in expression-building process
    protected final BooleanExpression and(BooleanExpression left, BooleanExpression right) {
        return left.and(right);

     * Applies logical OR clause to provided expressions.
     * @param left  Left operand for OR operation
     * @param right Right operand for OR operation
     * @return expression with AND clause applied to provided two values, this
     * must be used further in expression-building process
    protected final BooleanExpression or(BooleanExpression left, BooleanExpression right) {
        return left.or(right);

     * Utility class for building stateful expressions from provided values
    private class MultiValueExpressionBuilder {

        private final P path;
        private final Collection<Object> values;
        private BooleanExpression expression;

        private final Collection<Operator> MULTI_VALUE_LOGICAL_OPERATORS = Collections
                .unmodifiableCollection(Arrays.asList(Operator.AND, Operator.OR));

        public MultiValueExpressionBuilder(P path, Collection<Object> values) {
            this.path = path;
            this.values = values;
            this.values.forEach(v -> ExpressionProvider.validateComposition(getStringValue(path, v)));

        public BooleanExpression getExpression() {

            Operator default_operator = null; // if first param overrides the
            // default for multi-value to be
            // AND,
            // we set it here, this would help that if first Operator for a
            // multi-value comparison has and(..) then all subsequent value will
            // use and(..) as default operator instead of default OR

            if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(this.values)) {
                if (this.values.size() == 1) {
                    String value = checkIfOriginalRequestValueAvailable(path,
                                                                        getStringValue(path, this.values.iterator()
                    while (true) {
                        if (ExpressionProvider
                                                    .toArray(new Operator[MULTI_VALUE_LOGICAL_OPERATORS.size()]), value)
                                .isPresent()) {
                            // got an ill-placed Logical operator that's meant
                            // for multi-value searches on fields
                            value = new OperatorAndValue(value, MULTI_VALUE_LOGICAL_OPERATORS, Operator.OR).getValue();
                        } else {
                            // got true value devoid of multi-value logical search operators.
                     * Strip any ill-placed logical operator
                    return new SingleValueExpressionBuilder(path, value).getExpression();
                } else {
                    for (Object o : checkIfOriginalRequestValuesAvailable(path, values).stream()
                                                                                       .collect(Collectors.toList())) {
                        final String v = getStringValue(this.path, o);
                        OperatorAndValue ov = new OperatorAndValue(v, MULTI_VALUE_LOGICAL_OPERATORS,
                                                                   default_operator != null ? default_operator
                                                                                            : Operator.OR);
                        if (default_operator == null && !Operator.NOT.equals(ov.getOperator()))
                            default_operator = ov.getOperator();
                         * For NOT. delegate the comparison to
                         * SingleValueExpressionBuilder. Known issue with NOT
                         * operator with multiple leafs within MongoDB
                         * serializer, issue opened on its JIRA site by self.
                        final SingleValueExpressionBuilder e = new SingleValueExpressionBuilder(path,
                                                                                                ? v : ov.getValue());
                        BooleanExpression current = e.getExpression();
                        if (current == null) {
                        if (expression == null) {
                            expression = current;
                        } else {
                            // compose
                            switch (ov.getOperator()) {
                                case AND:
                                    expression = and(expression, current);
                                case OR:
                                case NOT: // actual NOT clause is handled by
                                    // SingleValueExpressionBuilder, at this
                                    // level we are treating it as like starting
                                    // without OR, AND and thus defaulting
                                    // to OR
                                    expression = or(expression, current);
                                    String msg = MessageFormat.format(
                                            "Illegal operator: {0}, Search Parameter: " + "{1}, Value: {2}",
                                            new Object[]{
                                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

            return expression;

     * Utility class for building stateful expression from provided Single value.
     * This class expects the actual value w/ operators (So if a value has to be exchanged from
     * {@link QuerydslHttpRequestContext} it must be done prior to invoking this class)
    private class SingleValueExpressionBuilder {
        private P path;
        private String value;
        private Operator operator;
        private SingleValueExpressionBuilder parent;
        private SingleValueExpressionBuilder next;
        private boolean ignoreCase = false;

        public SingleValueExpressionBuilder(P path, String value) {
            init(path, value);

        private SingleValueExpressionBuilder(final P path, String value, final SingleValueExpressionBuilder parent) {
            this.parent = parent;
            init(path, value);

         * @return if case should be ignored.
        public boolean isIgnoreCase() {
            return ignoreCase;

         * @param ignoreCase set <code>true</code> if case sensitivity should be ignored.
        public void setIgnoreCase(boolean ignoreCase) {
            this.ignoreCase = ignoreCase;

         * Extract the operator (or operator chain) and form chained expression
         * builder from this class.
        private void init(P path, String value) {
            this.path = path;

            OperatorAndValue ov = new OperatorAndValue(value, SUPPORTED_SINGLE_VALUED_COMPARISON_OPERATORS,
            this.operator = ov.getOperator();
            this.value = ov.getValue();
            Validate.notNull(this.operator, "Operator must not be null");
            if (Operator.NOT.equals(this.operator)) {
                                "Sub-operation must be available with NOT operator");
       = new SingleValueExpressionBuilder(path, ov.getValue(), this);
            } else if (Operator.CASE_IGNORE.equals(this.operator)) {
                                "Sub-operation must be available with CASE_IGNORE operator");
       = new SingleValueExpressionBuilder(path, ov.getValue(), this);
            } else if (ExpressionProvider.isOperator(SUPPORTED_SINGLE_VALUED_COMPARISON_OPERATORS.toArray(
                    new Operator[SUPPORTED_SINGLE_VALUED_COMPARISON_OPERATORS.size()]), this.value)
                                         .isPresent()) { // TODO: Perhaps check for an
                // unsupported operator here and throw an error
       = new SingleValueExpressionBuilder(path, ov.getValue(), this);

            // check for misplaced boolean operators, they should always be
            // top/first operator but can't be composed within other top level
            // operators.
            if (this.parent != null) {
                        !(Operator.AND.equals(this.operator) || Operator.OR.equals(this.operator)
                                || (Operator.NOT.equals(this.operator) && !Operator.NOT.equals(this.parent.operator))),
                        "Boolean operators cannot be composed within other operators"); // last
                // expression
                // allows
                // for composition of NOT under NOT though it's useless but
                // technically doesn't hurt.

        public BooleanExpression getExpression() {
            BooleanExpression result;

            switch (this.operator) {
                case CASE_IGNORE:
                    result =;
                case EQUAL:
                    result = eq(path, this.value, this.isIgnoreCase());
                case NOT_EQUAL:
                    result = ne(path, this.value, this.isIgnoreCase());
                case CONTAINS:
                    result = contains(path, this.value, this.isIgnoreCase());
                case STARTS_WITH:
                case STARTSWITH:
                    result = startsWith(path, this.value, this.isIgnoreCase());
                case ENDS_WITH:
                case ENDSWITH:
                    result = endsWith(path, this.value, this.isIgnoreCase());
                case MATCHES:
                    result = matches(path, this.value);
                case NOT:
                    result =;
                    if (result != null) {
                        result = result.not();
                case LESS_THAN:
                    result = lt(path, this.value);
                case LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL:
                    result = lte(path, this.value);
                case GREATER_THAN:
                    result = gt(path, this.value);
                case GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL:
                    result = gte(path, this.value);
                    result = null;

            return result;

     * Utility method that attempts to get original search input value for
     * specific path from QuerydslHttpRequestContext if available for cases when
     * experimental features using QuerydslHttpRequestContextAwareServletFilter
     * is turned on.
    private String checkIfOriginalRequestValueAvailable(Path path, String defaultValue) {
        QuerydslHttpRequestContext ctx = QuerydslHttpRequestContextHolder.getContext();
        String result = null;

        if (ctx != null) {
            result = ctx.getSingleValue(path);

        if (StringUtils.isBlank(result)) {
            result = defaultValue;
        return result;

     * Utility method that attempts to get original search input value for
     * specific path from QuerydslHttpRequestContext if available for cases when
     * experimental features using QuerydslHttpRequestContextAwareServletFilter
     * is turned on.
    private Collection<Object> checkIfOriginalRequestValuesAvailable(Path path, Collection<Object> defaultValues) {
        QuerydslHttpRequestContext ctx = QuerydslHttpRequestContextHolder.getContext();
        Collection<Object> result = null;

        if (ctx != null) {

            result =
                                           .orElseGet(() -> new String[]{}))
                           .map(val -> (Object) val)

        if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(result)) {
            result = defaultValues;
        return result;